

单词 Overt act
释义 公開的作為
Conduct from which the existence of a conspiracy may be inferred. Where a defendant is charged with conspiracy, the jury must be satisfied that as a result of a series of overt acts or from other evidence, the defendant was a party to the conspiracy: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.080]. As to the full meaning of the term ‘overt act’, there are three judicial statements which are of particular importance: (1) ‘the gist of the tort of conspiracy is not the conspiratorial agreement alone, but that agreement plus the overt act causing damage’ (Marrinan v Vibart (1963) 1 QB 234); (2) ‘often in conspiracy cases, the implementing action is itself the only evidence of conspiracy – this is the doctrine of overt acts’ (R v Doot (1973) AC 807); (3) ‘an overt act establishing the existence of a conspiracy is an overt act which shows that the agreement which is alleged to be conspiratorial has already been made’ (Belmont Finance v Williams Furniture (1979) 1 Ch 250): Aktieselskabet Dansk Skibsfinansiering v Wheelock Marden & Co Ltd [1994] 2 HKC 264 (CA). See also Conspiracy.
可推定為有串謀存在的行為。凡被告人被控串謀,陪審團必須信納,一連串公開作為或從其他證據的結果看來,被告人為串謀的一方:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.080]段。「公開的作為」此詞的完全含義有三項尤其重要的司法說明:(1) 「侵權法串謀的要旨並非僅僅是串謀協議,而是該協議加上公開的作為所引起的損害」(Marrinan v Vibart (1963) 1 QB 234); (2)「在串謀案中,串謀的證據經常只有被執行的行為本身–此即為公開作為的原則」 (R v Doot (1973) AC 807); (3)「證明串謀存在的公開作為,乃可證明被指稱為串謀協議已被訂立的公開作為」 (Belmont Finance v Williams Furniture (1979) 1 Ch 250):Aktieselskabet Dansk Skibsfinansiering v Wheelock Marden & Co Ltd [1994] 2 HKC 264 (上訴法庭)。另見 Conspiracy。




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