

单词 Contempt of court
释义 藐視法庭
1. Words or actions which impede or obstruct the administration of justice or create a significant risk that the course of justice will be seriously impeded or prejudiced or a disregard for the court’s authority. Contempt of court is an indictable offence as well as punishable by summary committal or committal or committed by motion: HKSAR v Yau [1999] 2 HKLRD 633 (CA). 2. Contempt of court has been regarded as falling into the categories of civil and criminal but this distinction is now generally regarded as ‘unhelpful and most meaningless’: Jennison v Baker [1972] 2 QB 52, 1 All ER 997. 3. It can embrace physical acts committed within the court itself; for example, unseemly and riotous behaviour, unauthorised interference with the court’s business, or offensive language to the judge, jury or any other person with a right to audience there; disobedience or disregard for judgements, orders or other court processes; and publication of a court’s proceedings which creates a substantial risk that the proceedings and course of justice will be impeded by such publication particularly if it is in breach of restrictions on such reporting: Wong Yeung Ng v S-J [1999] 2 HKC 24. 4. It is civil contempt of court to refuse or neglect to carry out some act required by a judge or order, or to defy an undertaking given therein, within the time specified: The Rules of the High Courts (Cap 4A) O 42 r 2(1), O 45 r 6. See also Civil contempt; Contempt in the face of the court; Criminal contempt.
1.  阻礙或妨礙司法公正的話語或行為,又或造成司法公正會受嚴重妨害或損害這個實質危險的話語或行為,或無視法庭權威的行為。藐視法庭的行為既是可公訴罪行,亦可循簡易程序交付羈押懲處,或交付羈押懲處,又或動議交付羈押懲處:HKSAR v Yau [1999] 2 HKLRD 633(上訴法院)。 2. 藐視法庭曾被認為可分成民事和刑事的類別,但這樣的分別,現時一般認為是「毫無作用的和完全無意義的」:Jennison v Baker [1972] 2 QB 52, 1 All ER 997。 3. 藐視法庭可包括在法庭內干犯的身體行為,例如不得體和搗亂的行為;未經授權幹預法庭事務的行為;粗言穢語謾罵法官,陪審員或有權在法庭上旁聽的人的行為;不服從或漠視法庭判決或命令或其他法庭程序的行為:發布有關法庭訴訟案的消息,造成該訴訟案或司法公正受該發布消息妨礙的的實質危險,特別是發布該消息是違反了禁止這樣報道的法庭命令:Wong Yeung Ng v S-J [1999] 2 HKC 24。  4. 拒絕作出或因疏忽而沒有作出法官或法庭命令,要在所指明的時限內作出的作為,或蔑視法庭命令沒有在指明的時限內履行當中所許下的承諾,均屬民事藐視法庭行為:《高等法院規則》(第4A)章第42號命令第2(1)條和第45號命令第6條。另見 Civil contempt; Contempt in the face of the court; Criminal contempt。




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