

单词 Independent testimony
释义 獨立的證供
Oral statements from a witness in a proceeding before a court that are not self-serving and not self-corroborative. Testimony that, independent of a fact in issue that is required to be proved, confirms the fact in issue without relying on other evidence already adduced in the case. Corroborative testimony must be independent in the sense that it must be extraneous to the witness to be corroborated: R v Whitehead [1929] 1 KB 99 (CCA). However, the general rule is that, except in perjury, evidence need not be corroborated to support a verdict: DPP v Kilbourne [1973] AC 729, 1 All ER 440, 57 Cr App Rep 381 (HL); Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 43. See also Accomplice, Corroboration; Corroborative testimony; Mutual corroboration.

  由證人在法院進行的法律程序中作出的口頭陳述,此等陳述並非為其私利或使其本身的證供更確鑿而作出。可在沒有倚賴其他已經在有關案件中援引的證據的情況下,確定受爭議事實的證供,與須有待證明的受爭議事實無關。佐證證供必須是獨立的,即對有待證實的證人而言屬外在證供:R v Whitehead [1929] 1 KB 99(刑事上訴法院)。但一般規則是無須證實證據以支持裁決(但偽證除外):DPP v Kilbourne [1973] AC 729, 1 All ER 440,57 Cr App Rep 381(上議院);《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第43條。另見 Accomplice, Corroboration; Corroborative testimony; Mutual corroboration。





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