

单词 Binding over
释义 簽保
An order made by a judge or magistrate against a person to keep the peace or be of good behaviour. A judge, a District Judge or a magistrate shall have, as ancillary to his jurisdiction, the power to bind over to keep the peace, and power to bind over to be of good behaviour, a person who or whose case is before the court, by requiring him to enter into his own recognisance or to find sureties or both, and committing him to prison if he does not comply: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 109I. In the event of a conviction under s 39 (assault occasioning actual bodily harm) or s 40 (common assault), the convicting court may, in addition to imposing any penalty, order the offender to enter into a recognisance, with or without sureties, in a sum not greater than $500, to keep the peace or to be of good behaviour for a period not exceeding 12 months: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 41. Bind-over orders may be made in at least four different types of situation. (1) A bind-over order may be made against a defendant after he has been convicted and as part of the means chosen by the judge for dealing with him. He may, for example, be bound over to come up for sentence. (2) A defendant may be given a bind-over order after his acquittal. (3) A bind-over order may also be made against a witness who has given evidence, whether in a civil or in a criminal case, and who is, therefore, before the court. (4) A bind-over may be made against a party to civil litigation who is before the court. Consent is not needed in order to enable the court to make the bind-over order itself. However, the ‘consent’ that is necessary is the person’s consent to enter into the recognisance to be bound over. Entering into recognisance constitutes acknowledgement of his indebtedness and thereby acknowledges that he becomes bound to pay the specified sum if he breaks the condition of the bind-over. The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal also expressed dissatisfaction as to the vague terms of the traditional form of bind-over order, which required the person concerned to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, without any greater precision. The principle of legal certainty requires that the order spells out with precision, in the same way as would be expected of an injunction, what it is that the person must not do. Before the judge or magistrate makes the bind-over order, the person should also be given prior notice of the proposal. The length of the notice must depend on the circumstances but it must at least be sufficient to enable the person to take legal advice, and to be legally represented (if he did not have legal representation already). He should be given an opportunity to make representations as to why he should not be bound over. There should also be an inquiry as to whether he could reasonably afford the recognizance: Lau Wai Wo v HKSAR (FACC 5/2003, unreported); Cross & Cheung, Sentencing in Hong Kong (4th Ed, Butterworths) ch 5.
法官或裁判官為確保某人遵守法紀或保持行為良好而作出的命令。法官、區域法院法官或裁判官具有藉規定在法庭席前的人或其案件在法庭席前審訊的人自簽擔保或覓人擔保,或自簽擔保兼覓人擔保,以及(如該人不遵從的話)藉將該人交付監獄,而判該人簽保以保證遵守法紀的權力和判該人簽保以保證保持行為良好的權力,而此等權力是附帶於其司法管轄權的:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章) 第109I條。法庭根據《侵害人身罪條例》第39條(襲擊致造成身體傷害)或40條(普通襲擊)作出定罪裁決後,除可處刑罰外,並可命令犯罪者以不多於$500的款項作出擔保,另須有或不須有擔保人,保證在一段不超過12個月的期間內遵守法紀或保持行為良好:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第41條。可至少按照四類不同情況作出簽保令:(1)可在被告人經已被定罪之後,在針對被告的情況下發出簽保令,法官亦可選擇以簽保令作為處置被告的部分方法。例如被告可因應簽保令在未能符合有關的簽保行為時接受懲罰。(2) 可在被告人被裁定罪名不成立後向他/她發出簽保令。(3) 亦可在針對已作供的證人的情況下(不論是民事或刑事案件),發出簽保令,因而他/她是在法庭席前。(4) 亦可在針對在法官席前的民事訴訟程序的一方的情況下,發出簽保令。法庭本身無需在得到同意的情況下作出簽保令。但所需的「同意」是會受擔保約束的有關人士的同意。作出擔保相當於承認其債務、並因此承認如他/她違反有關簽保的條件,則須繳付指定的款項。香港終審法院亦就傳統簽保令的含糊方式表達不滿,因為傳統的方式僅要求有關的人士遵守法紀或保持行為良好,但沒有任何更清楚的解釋。法律確切的原則規定須以準確的方式列明簽保令,並以預期強制令相同的方式作出,即有關的人士不得作出的行為。在法官或裁判官作出有關的強制令之前,有關人士亦應獲給予有關建議的事先通知。有關的通知期必須視乎有關的情況,但必須至少足以使有關的人士取得法律意見,及有法律代表(如他/她仍未有有法律代表)。就他不應獲簽保的原因而言,他/她應獲給予作出申述的機會。亦應就他/她是否可合理地獲給予簽保的問題進行訊問:Lau Wai Wo v HKSAR (終院刑事上訴2003年第5號,未經彙報); Cross & Cheung, Sentencing in Hong Kong(第4版,Butterworths)第5章。




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