

单词 Paternity
释义 父親身分
The state of fatherhood. At common law, if a child is born to a married woman, her husband is deemed to be the father unless the contrary is proved: Bromley Family Law (7th Ed) p 241. Two presumptions of paternity have been established by the Parent and Child Ordinance: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 5. The first presumption applies to a man who is presumed to be the father of a child if he was married to the mother of the child at any time and if there arises by virtue of that marriage a presumption of law that the child is the legitimate child of that man: s 5(1)(a). The second presumption applies to a man who has been registered as the father of the child by an entry made after the commencement of this provision in any register of births kept by the Registrar of Births and Deaths under any Ordinance: s 5(1)(b). However the presumption does not apply to a man who is regarded as the father of the child by virtue of his being a partner of an unmarried woman who gives birth to the child as a result of medical treatment obtained by them together in the course of which the embryo or the sperm and eggs of the other person were placed in the woman or she was artificially inseminated: ss 5(1)(b), 10(3). Both presumptions of paternity may be rebutted by proof on a balance of probabilities: s 5(2). See also Maternity; Parentage test; Paternity order.
作為父親身分的狀況。在普通法,若已婚女子誕下子女,她的丈夫將當作為子女的父親,直至相反證明成立為止:Bromley Family Law(第7版)第241頁。《父母與子女條例》確立了兩項父親身分的推定:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第5條。第一個推定適用於下述男子:她於任何時間與一名孩子的母親結婚,而該宗婚姻產生一項法律推定,推定該名孩子為該男子的婚生子女,則他被推定為該名孩子的父親:第5(1)(a)條。第二個推定適用於下述男子:他在本條文生效日期後,在生死登記官根據任何條例而備存的出生登記冊內,登記為該孩子的父親:第5(1)(b)條。但此項推定不適用於下述男子:他由於是一名末婚女子的伴侶而被視為該孩子的父親,而該末婚女子誕下該孩子的原因,是他們共同接受診治,並且在診治的過程中,胚胎或他人的精子和卵子被放置在她體內,或她接受了人工受精:第5(1)(b)及10(3)條。此兩項父親身分的推定,在證明並非如此的可能性較高時,可予推翻:第5(2)條。另見 Maternity; Maternal preference rule; Parentage test; Paternity order。 n.




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