

单词 True innuendo
释义 真實影射
A statement which may not be defamatory in its natural and ordinary meaning but which conveys a defamatory meaning to those readers possessed of special knowledge of extrinsic facts unknown to the ordinary person: Rubber Improvement Ltd v Daily Telegraph Ltd, Rubber Improvement Ltd v Associated Newspapers Ltd [1964] AC 234, sub nom Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd, Lewis v Associated Newspapers Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 151 (HL). The plaintiff must give particulars of the facts and matters on which he relies in support of the defamatory sense other than their ordinary meaning: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 82 r 3(1); Ming Kee Manufactory Ltd v Man Shing Electrical Manufactory Ltd [1992] 2 HKLR 357, 1 HKC 442. The pleading for true innuendo should expressly state that the meaning alleged is part of the natural and ordinary meaning of the matter complained of: Ming Kee Manufactory Ltd v Man Shing Electrical Manufactory Ltd, supra. A true innuendo is distinguishable from a false or legal innuendo which is discernible merely by reading between the lines of a particular statement. See also Defamation; Innuendo.
在其常用語意可能不具有誹謗性質的陳述,但對具有不為普通人所知的外在事實的特別知識的讀者而言,則會傳達具有誹謗性質涵義: Rubber Improvement Ltd v Daily Telegraph Ltd, Rubber Improvement Ltd v Associated Newspapers Ltd [1964] AC 234, sub nom Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd, Lewis v Associated Newspapers Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 151(上議院)。原告人必須提供他所倚據以支持有關言詞或事宜是含有其一般涵義以外的誹謗意思的事實及事宜的詳情:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第82號命令第 3(1)條規則:Ming Kee Manufactory Ltd v Man Shing Electrical Manufactory Ltd [1992] 2 HKLR 357, 1 HKC 442。須在提起真實影射的狀書中明示指稱的涵義是被申訴事宜的常用語意:Ming Kee Manufactory Ltd v Man Shing Electrical Manufactory Ltd, 見上文。真實影射可有別於藉閱讀個別陳述各行之間才可察覺的虛假或法律定義上的影射。另見 Defamation; Innuendo。




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