

单词 Trustee in bankruptcy
释义 破產案受託人
The person who holds the bankrupt’s estate. The official name of a trustee in bankruptcy shall be ‘the trustee of the property of a bankrupt’ [inserting the name of the bankrupt], and by that name the trustee may hold property of every description, make contracts, sue and be sued, enter into any engagements binding on himself and his successors in office, and do all other acts necessary or expedient to be done in the execution of his office: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 79. No person being an undischarged bankrupt and no body corporate shall be qualified for appointment to the office of trustee, and any appointment made in contravention of this section shall be void: s 79A. The trustee should, in the administration of the property of the bankrupt and in the distribution thereof amongst his creditors, have regard to any directions that may be given by resolution of the creditors at any general meeting or by the creditors’ committee, and the trustee should use his discretion in the management of the estate and its distribution among the creditors, subject to the provisions in the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6): s 82(1), (4). See also Bankrupt; Bankruptcy; Insolvent; Official Receiver.
持有破產人的產業權的人。破產案受託人的正式名稱為「破產人的財產受託人」(填上破產人姓名),受託人可以該名義持有各類財產、訂立合約、起訴及被起訴、訂立對其本人及對其職位繼任人具約束力的協定,並作出所有其他因執行其職務而需作出或適宜作出的作為:《破產條例》(第6章)第79條。任何未獲解除破產的破產人及任何法人團體,均無資格獲委任為受託人,而任何違反本條作出的委任,均屬無效:第79A條。受託人在管理破產人財產及將該財產分發予債權人時,須顧及債權人在任何大會上藉決議所給予的任何指示,或債權人委員會所給予的任何指示;及在符合《破產條例》(第6章)條文的規定下,受託人須在管理破產人產業及將該產業分發予債權人時行使其酌情決定權:第82(1)及(4)條。另見 Bankrupt; Bankruptcy; Insolvent; Official Receiver。




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