

单词 Cancelling date
释义 解約日
The date stipulated in a charterparty as being the date by which the ship is required to arrive at the loading port. If the ship fails to arrive by this date, the charterer may rescind. The ship owner cannot resist the cancellation of the contract: The North Sea [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 21. See also Arrived ship; Cancellation clause; Contract of carriage; Marine insurance.
租船合約中指定的日期,船隻必須在該日期前抵達裝貨港。若船舶未能於該日期前到達,租船人可撤銷租船合約。船主不能對撤銷合約作出抗辯:The North Sea [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 21。另見 Arrived ship; Cancellation clause; Contract of carriage; Marine insurance。




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